Stearns Packaging Corp. vs. Coronavirus
The EPA’s emerging guidance regulations state that if a disinfectant kills a similar strain of the virus, it is affectious. Thus, Mark 11, a phosphate-free formulation, can kill human and canine coronavirus.
CDC: Coronavirus
Products with EPA-approved emerging viral pathogens claims are recommended for use against 2019-nCoV. These products can be identified by the following claim: Routine cleaning and disinfection procedures (e.g., using cleaners and water to pre-clean surfaces prior to applying an EPA-registered, hospital-grade disinfectant to frequently touched surfaces or objects for appropriate contact times as indicated on the product’s label) are appropriate for 2019-nCoV in healthcare settings, including those patient-care areas in which aerosol-generating procedures are performed.
From the Desk
The President
Sullivan County Community College Flag Pole Dedication
In honor of our hard-working staff, whose commitment we greatly appreciate, Constable Custodial Service, Inc. donated the new flagpole near the Lazarus Levine Residence Hall.
Our nation’s flag is a sign of hope, strength, and unity. CCS strives to represent these values and honor the men and women who have sacrificed and continue to sacrifice their time and even their lives for our way of life. By donating the flag pole to Sullivan County Community College, we hope to honor our employees and all members of our families who have served our country, whether in the military, local fire and police departments, ambulance core, or elsewhere.
Our Fight Against Ebola
We use Stearns products because they are some of the best in the industry. We want to share a letter we received recently regarding the potency of the products we use to fight Ebola, CPV, and other viruses spread by bodily fluids.
Message from the Executive President
Dear colleagues,
“I am sure you will agree that the impact of COVID-19 on our society has been a historic and unprecedented event with the closing of public buildings, libraries, bars, and gathering places as well as restrictions on the number of individuals coming together. At Constable Custodial, our large team of employees remain loyal to our accounts. As such, we are trying to continue “business as usual.” We will continue to provide our services uninterrupted as best possible while abiding by the increasing ordinances and restrictions, possibly on transportation and travel from one location to another.
Now more than ever, we are striving to keep our accounts disinfected and cleaned to the highest degree. Rest assured our cleaners are wiping down all hand touched items from door handles to countertops to pens. All public areas are being attended to. Please be aware that since we must allow the germicide to set as long as possible, we are unable to dry or wipe to a shine all surfaces as usual. Thus, although a haze may be present from the residual solids that are left behind when the liquid evaporates from the germicide, this is an indicator that the germicide is there.
Since our staff serve Constable Custodial Services on a voluntary basis, although compensated for their service, they may decide to self-quarantine if they believe it is in the best interest of their families. Should they choose to do so, we may have difficulty replacing them. We are endeavoring to get through this difficult time with care and above all honor our contracts as best possible. In some cases, our fees may have to take on emergency pricing as above and beyond our scope of work.
The idea of limiting the transmission of this virus by not exposing others will work only if we all work together.”
Thank you for your cooperation,
Ian Constable